The use of ergotherapy in the retirement home


  • Peter Vansač St. Elizabeth University of health and social work, Bratislava, Institute of bl. M. D. Trčku, Michalovce; Partizánska 23, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovakia., Slovakia



Social therapy is a set of individual and group practices for creating, restoring and strengthening social relationships and skills of individuals. One of the important therapies is ergotherapy. The aim of the research is to show the importance of social therapy, which is carried out in retirement homes.

Research data and methods. We used the inductive statistics tools, Chi-square test, to verify the hypotheses. We make decisions on the significance of the differences based on the calculated value and the significance level of 0.05. We conducted the research in three retirement homes. We found out the relation between the length of stay in the retirement home and the type of respondents' social therapy and the subjective perception of help in managing everyday activities.

Results. From the research results we found a link between the length of stay in a retirement home and the use of social
therapy. The longer the respondents have been in the retirement home, the more often they use ergotherapy. There is also a statistically significant relationship between the length of stay in a retirement home and their subjective perception of therapy in managing everyday activities.

Conclusions. The psychological impact of therapeutic activities on seniors is undeniable. It helps seniors to accept themselves because they still feel capable of performing a useful activity. 

Біографія автора

Peter Vansač, St. Elizabeth University of health and social work, Bratislava, Institute of bl. M. D. Trčku, Michalovce; Partizánska 23, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovakia.

Vansač Peter – St. Elizabeth University of health and social work, Bratislava, Institute of bl. M. D. Trčku, Michalovce;
Partizánska 23, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovakia.


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Фізична реабілітація, фізична терапія, ерготерапія