New horizons in the rehabilitation of participants of an antiterorist operation / united states operation
Our report is to help combat the effects of combat trauma a of those, who have recently stood up for Ukraine. Work must be done to create a safe and comfortable, wellness space that encourages one's creativity. This space gives a new strength and in the former, warrior can feels the taste of life and then return to society with healthy psychological condition.
The aim of the study is to study the innovations in the rehabilitation of ATO/OOS participants based on the work of a psychotherapist in a military hospital.
Materials and methods. The statistical reports of the rehabilitation department of the Kremenchug Regional Hospital for War Veterans of the Poltava Regional Council were analyzed, as well as reports on the work of a psychologist and psychotherapist.
Results. Most of the interviewed servicemen 73.8% – in 2016, 75.6% – in 2017, 62% – in 2018 did not have any symptoms of anxiety and depression, but there is a tendency for a gradual decrease in specific gravity every year from 73, 8% in 2016 to 62% in 2018. On the other hand, signs of subclinical anxiety and depression in this contingent have been increasing every year, namely, in 2016, among participants of ATO/OOS, there were signs of subclinical anxiety (almost 9.2% of respondents), in second place signs of subclinical depression (7.0% in accordance). On the other hand, in 2017, 31 persons (8.5%) were the most alarmed servicemen, with 25 people in second place (6.7%) with subclinical anxiety. And in 2018 among respondents, the highest percentage with subclinical anxiety was 102 people (16.2%) and subclinical depression – 76 people (12.1%).
Conclusions. Therefore, the presence of ATO/OOS military personnel with a steady upward trend in the number of patients with signs of subclinical anxiety and depression requires the earliest possible start of psychological rehabilitation, as long as there is a high rehabilitation potential and a positive outlook for rehabilitation.
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