Factors affecting the work of a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic
In this paper, we draw attention to factors that influenced the work of a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic. We use special frameworks and discuss possible consequences and restrictions during the pandemic. Nurses are at the forefront because they provide care to patients in close physical proximity and are directly exposed to a high risk of infection. Regardless of the circumstances during the pandemic, the nurses perceived the risks of the pandemic as part of their role and professional responsibilities.However, they experienced increased rate of anxiety and fear for their own health when providing care to infected patients during the pandemic. Rapidly changing information and knowledge about the infection, working under pressure in dynamically changing conditions, regulated supplies of PPE and their use influenced the perception of the risk of infection during a pandemic and increased the manifestations of stress and anxiety.Evidence of the management of nurses, the impact of the physical and emotional environment, and the ability to systematically respond to a pandemic can provide information on the current readiness of the nurses’ workforce for future epidemics/pandemics. The importance of nurses and the nursing role during a pandemic and epidemic is multifaceted, and it is important that we capture the factors that influenced all aspects of it in real time.Посилання
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