Proper adherence to pharmacotherapy in the elderly


  • J. Babecka Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Health, Ružomberok, Slovakia, Slovakia
  • A. Lacko Central Military Hospital in Ružomberok, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ružomberok, Slovakia, Slovakia



Authors deal with seniors and their efforts to follow the instructions of health care professionals in drug use. The kinetics and dynamics of drugs during an individual’s aging is a subject of study in geriatric pharmacology. This field also addresses the adverse effects of drugs and the interactions. Pharmacotherapy in old age is mostly influenced by old age and illness changes in organism. Aging is itself a physiological process that before age 60 proceeds relatively slowly, then it accelerates over 10 years and after 70 years again slows. Changes in pharmacodynamics in old age are due to changes in the receptor levels andchanges in homeostasis of the organism. There may be a lower or higher number of receptors, a change in signal conduction or change in the final cell response.

Біографія автора

J. Babecka, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Health, Ružomberok, Slovakia

PhDr. PhD. Babecka Jozef – Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Health, Ružomberok, Slovakia.


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Фізична реабілітація, фізична терапія, ерготерапія