Effective communication with the patient as part of nursing care


  • M Popovičová doc. PhDr. Popovičová Mária, PhD. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava., Словаччина
  • M Belovičová prof. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava., Словаччина




The basis of providing care are three aspects. The first aspect is the doctor who provides health care, the second aspect is the nurses providing nursing care. The third aspect is the patient. There must be a relationship between these three aspects that can only be established through communication and the communication process. Due to this, through research we analyze the current state of communication of nurses in health care from the perspective of patients and also determine the level of compliance with ethical aspects of communication by nurses in interaction with the patient.

Methods. We used the tools of inductive statistics Spearman's correlation coefficient to verify the hypotheses. We make a decision on the significance of differences based on the calculated value and the significance level of 0.05.

Results. By analyzing the results, we found that the subjective perception of ethical aspects of communication is directly related to age. Older patients rate nurses' behavior more positively than younger patients. At the same time, more educated patients perceive ethical behavior more negatively. There are no significant differences between men and women in the evaluation of ethical aspects, and satisfaction with communication depends directly on age – the older the patient, the happier he is.

Conclusions. It is the wrong communication and approach without an empathic basis that leads to patients' refusal to cooperate, feelings of anxiety, fear, distrust, but also aggression. There are various complications in the provision of nursing care.

Біографії авторів

M Popovičová, doc. PhDr. Popovičová Mária, PhD. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava.

doc. PhDr. Popovičová Mária, PhD. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava.

M Belovičová, prof. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava.

doc. MUDr. Belovičová Mária, PhD., mim. prof. – St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava.


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