Trends in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases
Nowadays, human population lives in deregulated environmental conditions, which creates a potential for an emergence and potentiation of several diseases of civilization, including cardiovascular diseases. Even though the state of knowledge in the field of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is due to massive scientific progress extensive, these diseases pose a serious medical problem.
Cohort and aim of the research. The study involved 229 respondents suffering from one of the forms of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the incidence of CVD and demographic (gender, age) and anthropometric (overweight / obesity) data.
Methods. To verify the hypotheses we used the tools of inductive statistics – Mann Whitney test and Pearson correlation coefficient. We made the decision on the significance of differences based on the calculated value and the significance level of 0.01.
Results. We detected nutritional status of the clients by calculating their BMI. A statistically significant difference was found in the analysis of the relationship between the incidence of cardiovascular disease and overweight / obesity in clients. We also found a relationship between the incidence of CVD and the age of clients. However, no statistically significant difference was found between the incidence of CVD and gender.
Conclusions. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases is the most common cause of population mortality. It is important to pay special attention to this issue at the level of primary prevention. There are countries where they pay more attention to this area and it brings positive results via lower morbidity rate. We should start taking care of our hearts well before it shows us that we had neglected something.
Key words: cardiovascular diseases, BMI, nursing care, primary prevention.
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