The role of nurses in the prevention of metabolic syndrome in spa environment


  • V. Petreková St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava, n. o. Institute of Social Sciences and Health Care of the blessed P.P. Gojdič and V. Hopko, Spišská Nová Ves – Prešov,
  • M. Belovičová St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava – teacher; Field office in Michalovce a Prešov; Internal Clinic for Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Remedium s.r.o. Bardejov Spa, Slovakia.,



The role of nurses in the prevention of metabolic  syndrome in spa environment 

Біографії авторів

V. Petreková, St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava, n. o. Institute of Social Sciences and Health Care of the blessed P.P. Gojdič and V. Hopko, Spišská Nová Ves – Prešov

Bc. Petreková Veronika – student; St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava, n. o. Institute of Social
Sciences and Health Care of the blessed P.P. Gojdič and V. Hopko, Spišská Nová Ves – Prešov.

M. Belovičová, St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava – teacher; Field office in Michalovce a Prešov; Internal Clinic for Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Remedium s.r.o. Bardejov Spa, Slovakia.

Belovičová Mária – assoc. Prof., MD. PhD, St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava – teacher; Field office in Michalovce a Prešov; Internal Clinic for Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Remedium s.r.o. Bardejov Spa, Slovakia.


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